Let’s get together to make a craft, make friends, and make a difference. Crafting for a cause combines all of these elements for a monthly event that everyone loves!
Guys, let’s get real for a moment. It’s obvious that I love home decor. And I think it’s truly important to create a home that your family feels loved and welcomed in. I do.
Sometimes it feels superficial. Sometimes it feels like it’s not enough. Sometimes it feels like we’re just talking about pretty things, when there’s so much hurt in the world.
I’m in a stage of life when my family really needs me. I have two little kids, and I’m not able to easily go out and help people in need. I also don’t have a bottomless bank account, and I can’t just write checks to amazing organizations as much as I’d like to.
But I also feel such a need to help, in any way I can. So what can I do? What can you do?
I truly believe God put a few things in my path, and they all converged together to bring this new initiative to you.
I am SO excited to tell you more about this idea! It’s a way we can meet in person, make pretty things, and give back to people who are truly in need.
Here’s all of the details:
- One weekend a month
- I will open my home to a group of 8-10 people.
- We will start with Saturday mornings from 10AM- noon.
- This may change – but this schedule works best for my family right now.
- Keeping it CASUAL
- Guys – I want us to be friends. My friends come into my house when it’s messy, when I have messy hair, and when my kids may not be on their best behavior.
- This is real life, and I’m OK with it if you are! And if you’re not…maybe you shouldn’t come 😉
- So, my house will not be perfectly clean. I may be wearing yoga pants and a messy bun, and my kids will probably be curious about what we’re doing.
- Cost
- I will charge you for the cost of materials (varies for every project – but will usually be around $15-$25)
- I will then ask for you to bring a donation towards that month’s charity.
- This will also vary every month, and I will work with the charity towards what’s needed.
- The first one will require you to bring at least 2 $10 gift cards to Giant food store, and they will be used for a ministry our church is leading that gives grocery store gift cards to people waiting at our local food bank.
- I will teach
- I’ll teach you how to make each craft every month – and it will be totally unprofessional! 🙂 Just friends making things together.
I understand that not all of you are in Pennsylvania or able to drive to my house.
SO – I’m adding one more thing to the this – and YOU can help, no matter where you live!
I will be donating all of my ad earnings that I make on my site from the weekend to the charity as well.
- When people visit my site, I earn money off of the ads that are running on my website.
- The more people I get to my site, the more ad earnings I receive.
- For the weekend of Craft with a Cause, I will donate all of my ad earnings from that Saturday and Sunday to the charity we’re contributing to that month.
- I will report back to all of you every month on how much we were able to donate to a group, and which charity the money is going to.
So – who’s with me? Anyone else excited? I’ve been sitting on this for a little while now, and I am so excited/nervous to share this with all of you!
Come see all of the details on my Facebook page – that’s where you can sign up for the events as well – I’ll be making them through Facebook events.
And so you can get a glimpse of what we’ll be making this fall – here’s the crafts I’ve lined up for the next 4 months.
Aren’t those cute??
I can’t wait to meet you, and I can’t wait to begin Crafting for a Cause!
Kate Hollingsworth says
Great idea Christina – you rock! xx
Michelle Gilliland says
Sounds awesome, Christina! What a sweet way to make a difference. I hope your house is filled to the max, and you have to move to a huge warehouse or something. ?