Sharing wallpaper I bought, interiors I’m inspired by, books, favorite recent purchases, and a personal note at the end. This post contains affiliate links, full disclosure here.
It hasn’t felt like it here in PA, but this week it *finally* feels like fall. Usually, I’m overloaded with mums and pumpkins by this time of year, but I’m only getting them this upcoming weekend. It’s funny how different seasons in our life bring about different speeds with things like fall decorating. The kids are excited to get some seasonal decorations out though, so I’m getting excited with them!
It’s been a while since I’ve done a Friday Favorites post, but it feels like it’s been a while since I’ve share too much online anyways, so I figured this might be a good way to do it.
I ordered wallpaper for our hallway
I am so excited to do a little house project – it’s been a while! I was trying to choose something neutral and whimsical, but was having a really hard time deciding. I found some really pretty ones, but none of them felt “just right”. Then I found this wallpaper, and I fell in love!
The pink ties in the color of the board + batten on the bottom half of the hallway, the green ties in with our kitchen colors, and the blue with our family room. I am so excited! However, I ordered it a few weeks ago and then got an e-mail that it’s backordered until November. Whomp whomp. Guess I’ll have to be patient (not my forte). I’ll share on Instagram as soon as I get it!
I’ve been working on my health
I think part of why I haven’t been sharing as much online is because I’ve been working on learning and trying some new things regarding my health lately. If you ever do this, you know it can be slightly overwhelming to do in addition to all of the other responsibilities of life.
Good Energy proposes that issues I deal with, such as high cholesterol (+ triglycerides) and thyroid disease, are all linked. There’s significant links to cancers as well as Type II Diabetes + Pre Diabetes as well (since I had gestational diabetes with all 3 pregnancies, this is something I always have in the back of my mind). Her argument is that these are all a result of underlying inflammation. The book proposes ways to target the inflammation through diet and lifestyle changes, which then in turn targets the root cause of disease.
Click here to see the book on Amazon
I have made it through this book, and let me tell you. It’s been overhauling my life. I listened to the audiobook and then bought the hardcover book to have as a reference (and read with my husband). There’s quite a few disclaimers to put out there with this book however, which is why I hesitate to share it. I, of course, am not a medical professional.
- She’s pretty critical of the medical system, but also offers a hopeful view of where it could go in the future.
- It’s a LOT. In order to get to a better place with my health, I have been overhauling my eating as well as my lifestyle.
- She does have a good plan for it towards the end of the book so it’s not a ton of changes all at once, which is helpful. It’s still just a lot to change, but it’s all manageable.
- It gets a little spiritual in parts and I don’t agree with her view on the world, but that doesn’t stop me from gaining wisdom from her medical knowledge.
Currently I’m on week 3 of no refined sugar, very little grains, and no seed oils (found in most processed foods). After 1 week, I had (routine) blood work done and some numbers were in range for the first time in my adult life. This has encouraged me to keep with it and see what happens over time. Again, not giving medical advice, but this is what’s been taking over a lot of my brain space (outside of normal parenting + homeschooling) lately!
Speaking of books
I *finally* got on GoodReads. If you’re interested in seeing books I’m reading/have read make sure you follow me here! I have a real different mix of things I like to read, but mainly historical fiction and mystery are my top 2 categories I keep coming back to. Also, I listen to almost all of these in audiobook format. I feel like it helps my probably ADHD brain as I’m doing tasks that don’t require my full brainpower 😉
And if you haven’t seen our favorite kid books from the past year, make sure you look at this post here! There’s so many good reads in there (my kids are 6-11 currently).
A few favorite finds I’ve bought lately
We recently took away some of the spring/summer colors in our bedroom, and I just love how it looks:
These are the sheets we got (love that they actually stay on well- deep pockets, wash great, and are soft!)
This is the accent pillowcase I got and love – it’s so well priced too!
And the comforter has been great– super comfy as well.
I got the leaf version of this pillow last week, and I’m a big fan! The leaf one isn’t available anymore but this one is the same pillow just in a pumpkin design – love it too!
Interiors I’m inspired by lately
Let me tell you – it’s getting harder and harder to find interiors that aren’t AI on Pinterest. I’m trying to accept this and work on seeing it as an inspirational tool, but it’s not easy! I’m 90% sure this next image is AI but it’s an inspiring image nonetheless:
This one looks real, I just can’t find a source. But sense a theme? Dark blue, rich wood tones, and copper:
Loving this look and how it looks like fall, but not overtly FALL:
On a personal note…
We’re a few weeks into year FIVE of homeschool this year, and I can hardly believe it! We are continuing with a hybrid model, where our kids are homeschooled 3 days a week, and are in a hybrid school the other 2 days. I am so thankful we have this option where we live.
I’ve been working on a project that will be a bigger deal for me if it all works out in the next few months. Since I do still rely on this website to pay bills, the surge of AI created content trumping human created content is especially scary. I am aware I can’t rely on this website forever, so I’m working to find ways to serve my community with my next venture. While I love getting to know others from all over the world through my website, and I will continue to do so, I find myself wanting to get into deeper relationships into my actual physical community the last few years.
I’m off to buy mums and pumpkins this weekend, and of course go apple picking. Also very thankful to have an abundance of local farms to choose from when we go apple picking (or peach, blueberry, blackberry, etc.!). I hope you have a wonderful fall season, and I’m so thankful you’re here.
Such a wonderful moment to stop and read your blog. I’m excited to hear your new endeavor/adventure!