Happy National Dog Day! Did you know that was a “thing”? Whether you choose to celebrate a silly holiday like that or not, if you’re a dog owner, you already know that they take up a lot of your time and attention.
Taken by my talented brother in law
We rescued our little Buckley 5 years ago this spring. He was truly our “baby” before we had babies. Then Isaac came along, and he wasn’t so sure he loved all of the crying that came with a baby. He adjusted, and then Isaac started walking. AND falling all over the place, which scared our little nervous dog baby. That was probably our biggest transition time with Buckley and Isaac, and it was tough.
Sweet boys during our house renovations
Now that we have a little baby girl, there’s even less time for Buckley. Let me be honest – he’s totally acting out! I thought he’d adjust seamlessly to having another baby around, but he’s been demanding my attention, the little stinker.
Buckley claims the baby toys for himself
If you look at many of my room pictures, or on my Instagram page, you will usually see little bits of Buckley snuggled in to different places of our house. He loves to follow me everywhere, and snuggle in with whatever pillows/blankets/piles of laundry that are around!
in my master bedroom
Being a dog owner isn’t always easy, but you can’t deny how much joy they bring into our lives! Rachael Ray wants to celebrate our funny pet moments with a fun meme creator. It’s super easy to create your own pet meme, and if you do, you get entered into an awesome contest!
See? Adorable! It would be fun to make up a few of these and share them with your family & friends online. If you make your own meme, you’ll be entered in the Fur Real Pet Moments contest to win her awesome pet food for a year, PLUS $1500! Woah.
If your pets haven’t tried Rachael Ray’s Nutrish line, they absolutely should! They are made with simple ingredients, and they’re made with zero grains, glutens or fillers. I actually get them at my family’s grocery store, so it’s really convenient. But the best part? Rachael gives a portion of her personal proceeds from her Nutrish line to help animals in need. Love that so much!
How did YOUR pets adjust to babies and toddler life?
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