Time for another baby update!
This week has been a “good pregnancy week”! I’m slowly but surely gaining some energy back, and I’m really letting go of the nausea.
Although I’ve gained just about 6 pounds, I feel like I’ve gained so much more! This week, the belly has been showing a lot more, and I’m figuring out how to dress accordingly.
By nighttime – the belly gets huge! I’m starting to get to the point where I can wear tighter-fitting shirts and realize that it looks like a baby bump, and not just chub Like this picture I shared on Instagram from going out to dinner with my hubby this week:
format originally from Little Baby Garvin
How far along? 15 weeks
Maternity clothes? Ahh I pulled out my maternity jeans this week!! They’re still a little loose, but they’re surprisingly not tooo loose that I can’t wear them (especially by the end of the day!)
Sleep: Lots of hours awake in the middle of the night lately, which is frustrating for me because I never has issues sleeping.
Best moment of the week: We started our baby registry!! So exciting/overwhelming/crazy to look at all of the baby items. It makes it so much more “real” – my hubby said this really helped him feel the reality of the baby, and he loved helping to pick things out. We also got to go out to dinner to celebrate afterwards, which we haven’t done in a while
Miss anything? I still miss my morning coffee! And I had a slight craving for blue cheese on steak the other day…but can’t indulge in that stinky blue cheese…
Movement: OK so I’ve had some little “twitches” on and off this week…I’ve never felt anything like it before, so I’m assuming it’s the baby!! What a weird but exciting feeling!
Food cravings: Still loving citrus though! (Pineapple, oranges, grapefruit…) I am such a chocolate girl…it’s really weird that I have noooo desire for chocolate. This is a totally foreign world to me! Also…macaroni and cheese. Love it – but only had it once this week (I figured I shouldn’t keep a supply in the house or I will eat it every day)
Anything making you queasy or sick: When I let myself get too hungry between meals, I a little nauseous, but it’s been a lot better this week!
Gender prediction: Boy? I keep calling it “he” and “him”. Everyone is looooving giving predictions though!
Labor signs: um, it would be a problem if I’d feel that this early!
Symptoms: At the end of every day, my back is pretty sore. My heating pad is a lifesaver!
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! I have my emotional moments, but nothing out of the ordinary right now.
Looking forward to: Our next doctor’s appointment this week! We don’t get an ultrasound, but we do get to hear the baby’s heartbeat <3
I haven’t been blogging lately, but I do still check in on your blog! I am so very excited for your little blessing! Can’t wait to find out what you’re having! 🙂
Your baby bump is precious! Your excitement is palpable, even through the air-waves, and I’m so excited for you!
Where have I been??? Congratulations Christina!!