Holy cow I can’t believe it’s the first day of March already! And with this first day of March comes the 18 weeks update…
I feel SO much bigger this week! Here’s a picture from earlier in the week – now note that this was a “night bump” and I always feel like that’s significantly bigger than a “morning bump” haha:
How far along? 18 weeks
Maternity clothes? I’m wearing my maternity jeans most days now – but they’re still a little uncomfortably big (but nighttime is a little bit better)
Sleep: Sleep’s been slightly better this week!
Best moment of the week: Feeling some more consistent “flutters”!
Miss anything? Still missing my coffee & wine…
Movement: There have been more consistent flutters this week, especially the last few days.
Food cravings: Um – I ate an ENTIRE pineapple. In one day. Not so proud of that one…
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! As long as I eat my gummy prenatals, we’re all good!
Gender prediction: Boy? I keep calling it “he” and “him”. But now my hubby is saying he thinks it’s a girl!
Labor signs: um, it would be a problem if I’d feel that this early!
Symptoms: Still using my heating pad at night for my lower back.
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Especially since I’ve been feeling better!
Looking forward to: We have our next ultrasound next week – so excited to see our little peanut again!
Jill Flory says
🙂 so fun to see another update! And I wouldn’t worry about the pineapple craving – it could have been a cake or something not so healthy as a pineapple!
Allison {A Glimpse Inside} says
Aren’t you just cute?! 🙂 Is your US next week the gender US? Are you guys finding out?