Wow- we’re SO close to the halfway point! Craziness!
I did not have a fun beginning to this week – I got food poisoning last weekend and it knocked me OUT! Wow – it was so bad. Of course I was worried for our little baby, but the doctor assured me that I was far enough along, and I didn’t have much to be worried about. She told me to just try to stay hydrated as much as possible, so I basically just drank for 2 days (couldn’t actually eat anything). I had a regularly scheduled “well-check” this week, so it was reassuring to hear a strong heartbeat (140 BPM now)!
I tried to get my mom to take a picture of us last night – we really haven’t taken any pictures of the two of us since I’ve been pregnant!! Again – this is a “nighttime bump” which is SO much bigger than a “morning bump”!
Of course we had to get our “fur baby” in the picture too – but he wasn’t so cooperative (he hates flash cameras- ha!)
LOVE my little family!!
How far along? 19 weeks
Maternity clothes? I’m wearing my maternity jeans most days now – but they’re still a little uncomfortably big (but nighttime is a little bit better)
Sleep: Sleep’s been slightly better this week- minus the days I was sick!
Best moment of the week: Getting over being sick, and feeling some slight movements from our little mover!
Miss anything? Still missing my coffee & wine…
Movement: There have been more consistent flutters this week, especially the last few days.
Food cravings: I really wanted warm bread & cheese yesterday. I texted my hubby that I was mad we didn’t have anything remotely close to that in the house…
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Just the food poisoning- thank God that’s done now!
Gender prediction: Boy? I keep calling it “he” and “him”. But now my hubby is saying he thinks it’s a girl!
Labor signs: um, it would be a problem if I’d feel that this early!
Symptoms: Still using my heating pad at night for my lower back.
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Especially since I’ve been feeling better!
Looking forward to: We have our Level 2 ultrasound on Monday – can’t WAIT to see our little baby!
Jess @ Spool and Spoon says
So glad to hear you are feeling better! You look fabulous, by the way!