Oh wow – 35 weeks! I really feel like we’re in the “home stretch” now!
I weighed myself for the first time in a month – and was surprised to find that I haven’t gained anything in the last month! So weird- but it’s the restrictive diet I’m on for my gestational diabetes. So my body shape is constantly morphing as the baby continues to gain weight!
We spent all day on Saturday at our intensive “prepared childbirth class”. Now we’re officially prepared parents! Ha – we were bombarded with lots of information, and are really glad we went. Not sure how many of the breathing techniques will be remembered in the moment, but it helped to answer questions that we had!
Now guys, when I say I’m swollen, I mean I’m SWOLLEN. I’m really not exaggerating! Here’s what my feet look like most nights…I’m especially fond of my ankle rolls.
I am soaking up the little things in life lately, like solo trips to IKEA and the food store. I know these quiet moments (while treating myself to an iced coffee!!) will be few and far between in the next few months!!
I am kind of in love with the Barnes & Noble kids book section. I wish I had an unlimited budget – I would buy every one of these books!
Finally, the not fun part. I am now doing non-stress tests twice a week. I actually really enjoy them once I’m there – I get to completely relax focus on hearing the baby’s strong heartbeat, and chat with some sweet nurses. It’s so comforting to hear that our baby is doing so well! The thing that I DON’T like is the commute/time commitment – the hospital is about an hour away so these appointments take a lot of time out of my week!
How far along? 35 weeks
Maternity clothes? absolutely! Still able to wear some large non-maternity tops, but always wearing maternity bottoms.
Sleep: Sleep has actually been better this week – thank God!
Best moment of the week: Hearing that our baby continues to develop well in spite of all of this gestational diabetes junk
Miss anything? I miss being able to walk up and down the stairs without feeling like I’m going to die – ha!
Movement: Yes! Baby is moving SO MUCH and getting SO STRONG!
Food cravings: Orange juice, sherbet, FRUIT. So sad.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender prediction: When we saw the quickest glimpse of the baby’s face during our 3D u/s (he/she was not cooperative, and kept putting their hands in front of their face!!) I said, “That is absolutely a boy!” We’ll see if I’m right – hubby’s not quite convinced
Labor signs: Nope – but my non-stress test shows that I’m having “baby contractions” right now, which is totally normal for this stage of my pregnancy.
Symptoms: Verrrrry swollen. So attractive!
Belly button in or out? In – but it’s very shallow!!
Happy or moody most of the time? This week has been generally happy- trying really hard to turn my negative thoughts into positive ones lately!!
Looking forward to: hopefully finishing the nursery this week!!
Your belly pic is adorable!! Hope your swelling goes down quickly after delivery. I didn’t swell with my first two babies but I did my third and after delivery my swelling doubled. 🙁 I feel your pain on the hour drive one way to the hospital. The hospital is 45 minutes from my house. I did find one good thing about it. With my second child they kept me even though I wasn’t “in labor” instead of sending me home. I was 3 cm and she said I lived too far away that he would have been here before I could get to the hospital from my house.