Enjoy this list of the books every homeschool mom needs to read – and why you need to add them to your list!
It’s that time of year again! I heard someone say that August is like the Sunday of the year. You’re still soaking in the “weekend” (summer) but also looking ahead to the next day and planning out everything that needs to be done ahead of you.
While I’m finalizing my kids curriculum choices, planning their extra activities, and choosing what we’re focusing on this year … I’ve found it incredibly helpful to also focus on how I can best prepare MYSELF to teach my kids. So much of homeschooling is a mental game. You have to be IN it. Committed. Ready. Homeschooling is incredible IF you’re in the right space mentally. You’ll falter, sure, but it’s the best gift you can give your kids if you can start the year off strong.
Here are my absolute favorite books to get myself into that space every year.
Books every homeschool mom needs to read:
*Let me just preface first – most of these books come from a Christian perspective. They’ll reference the Bible or our calling as moms from God in them. If you’re not a Christian, you might not resonate as fully with these books as others.
(These links are affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you if you decide to purchase. You know, for those homeschool supplies and curriculum 😉)
The Call of the Wild & Free
This book was the first homeschooling book I read, and it’s now ritual to read it every year before school. It reminds me WHY I am doing this, and how beautiful this way of learning truly can be. (I listened to this one on Audible)
Awaking Wonder
I just love Sally Clarkson. She’s one of my favorite voices of Christian wisdom in the whole world. I loved this book – she has educated her 4 children at home, and is a deep thinker and lover of beauty in this world. I bought this book on Audible and love to also read my hard copy as well.
Teaching From Rest
This was recommended to me when I started homeschooling and I’m not sure why it took me so long to actually read it! It’s so highly rated and recommended for a reason. A must read for each school year – it’s short enough to do so! Bonus: it’s a $3.99 audiobook that’s only 2.5 hours long. You can totally fit that into your before school schedule!
The Brave Learner:
We use Julie’s language arts program and love it. I appreciate her encouragement and wisdom looking back on her homeschool years as a person who thinks critically and isn’t afraid to do things differently.
Homeschool Bravely:
Such an encouraging book to help you step into the school year with confidence. I admire Jamie and her heart that shines through this book!
Honorable Mentions
These books are ones that are just WAITING to be read. They may be incredible and may move up in the list… I just can’t tell you they’re a “must read” yet because I haven’t had a chance to read them! They have all come highly recommended by people I truly trust and admire.
Happy reading! If you like this post, you’ll also need to check out my homeschool essentials list on Amazon. I am a homeschooling minimalist, so I really only included things we truly use all the time and love!
You also need to check out these posts, they’re full of helpful information:
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