This budget friendly bedroom makeover is EASY to replicate in your own home! Come see my tips for revamping your bedroom space on a budget without doing any major projects! This post is sponsored by Walmart – all opinions are always 100% my own. This post contains affiliate links.
Did you guys see my sister & brother in law’s house I posted the other day? Their house is BEAUTIFUL and they have done such a wonderful job with every inch of it!
Since we’re moving, and our house is kind of covered in boxes, I asked my sister if she’d let me do a quick & budget friendly makeover in the ONE room they haven’t really made over yet.
Their guest bedroom has my sister’s childhood bedroom set in it, and there’s nothing wrong with it! BUT it didn’t fit well with their style or the rest of the house anymore.
I went shopping at Walmart and challenged myself to change the look of this space in a big way, but on a small budget. Come see how I did it!
OK so you can see how we PHYSICALLY did it…I sped it up so it’s less than a minute from start to finish 🙂
Do you love how it turned out? I really do! Here are the things YOU can do to change your bedroom up on a budget:
Step 1: Get a new rug
Although the rug is very neutral, it really was what made the biggest impact in this little room. By adding that rug, we added instant coziness! It helps to ground the space and give the bed something to pair with.
Think you can’t afford a large rug? I was VERY surprised that I got this 8×10 rug for SUCH A CHEAP PRICE! Seriously. And I can tell you that it’s a beautiful and super soft rug – I think I might have to buy one for our new home!
Step 2: Bedding
After the rug, bedding is going to make a huge difference in your bedroom. I got this comforter and I am super impressed by it! I liked in online but I really loved it in person more! The texture is great and it’s nice and soft.
I put a queen comforter on this twin bed by the way.
Step 3: add some art
Now art can tend to get expensive…but it doesn’t have to be! I loved the price point for this well-sized canvas print I got at Walmart … it’s beautiful! If you want to see more of it, I also used it in my bedroom and you can click here to see how we used it in that room.
Step 4: get some greenery
In my mind, no space is complete without some gorgeous greenery. I love this giant indoor fern (also got it at Walmart! Just in the store – not online).
One of my favorite ways to make greenery fit into your home decor is to put it in a basket. I’ve picked up baskets at numerous places throughout the years. This time, I tried one from Walmart and ordered it on their website. MAN I didn’t realize how big it was! It’s an amazing price for the size! It’s also kind of slouchy which looks just so casual and textural – it’s perfect!
Tip for you: when you put a live plant in a basket like this, make sure you line the bottom with a garbage bag. This way, when you water your plant, it won’t completely ruin the bottom of your basket (trust me I’ve learned the hard way!)
Step 5: finish it off with throw pillows
OK it’s no secret that I have a little bit of a pillow problem…I tried out a few for this bedroom makeover! And then let my sister keep them because I cannnnn’t pack up one more pillow to bring with us – ha!
I have been VERY impressed by Walmart’s pillows lately. They’re amazing for their price point too! You don’t just get a cover, but the whole pillow. See that cream pillow in the picture? It’s one of our favorites (I bought it for our family room 2 years ago). SOFTEST. PILLOW. EVER. And that price – guyyyys you’re going to want this one for sure!!
But besides the softness factor – pillows help add depth, texture, contrast and coziness to a space. They’re just the perfect icing on the cake and it’s always a good idea to get a fresh pillow (or two!) when you’re giving your bedroom some love.
The cost for this bedroom makeover:
I used to give cost breakdowns for all of my posts on this blog (like…back in 2013) but haven’t done it for a while. But I had to share this one…because for an 8×10 rug, bedding, many throw pillows, art, basket, AND a plant… the grand total was:
I know a lot of people who would spend that amount on JUST a rug alone…but to get all of that for less than $350 is such a good deal!
Walmart Home has some amazing pieces lately – and I really love their “shop by style” section too. It makes it easy to see what would fit in your home! Click here to access it.
Here’s all of the sources for the bedroom makeover – plus a few others I think would be great items for your bedroom as well!
Hi! I love your room transformation. What is the paint color in this room?
Thank you! This color is Revere Pewter 🙂