Simple cozy decorating ideas for any home – bring that feeling of “home” wherever you live. Bonus: most of these cost zero dollars!
That feeling of “home”. You know it when you feel it, and you might really crave your home to have this feeling, but it doesn’t feel quite right.
As a person who is greatly impacted by the environment around her, and as someone who has children that are the same, it makes a BIG difference when I implement these cozy decorating ideas into our home.
I want to teach you some simple ways to make your home cozy and welcoming today. Bonus: many of these ideas will cost you zero dollars!
Follow me on Instagram for all the cozy peaceful home decorating ideas
It’s all about the lighting
When I was teaching, I haaaated the overhead florescent lighting in my classroom. I was teaching students who had Autism, and I knew their sensory systems must be on overload if mine was too. So I turned the lights off for 95% of our school day. I went to thrift stores and bought inexpensive lamps and extension cords so I could light each of the centers in our classroom with softer lamp light. And it made a BIG difference in our room!
Guess what? It’s the same in your home! Even if you don’t have florescent lights assaulting your eyeballs, you probably have overhead lighting that is more harsh than soft lamp light.
Embrace vintage and worn pieces:
Hey, if you get a cozy feeling from browsing the aisles in Target, then go right ahead. I love adding in a few new pieces every now and then, but have really been enjoying pulling out “vintage” pieces lately too.
By having pieces in my home that have a story, it helps my home to have a collected feel. This collected feel is a big part of that unexplainable cozy feeling that many of us are craving.
Add in cozy textures:
Cozy blankets, fluffy duvet inserts, and overstuffed pillows … bring them all out. There’s almost no such thing as too many cozy textures in your home! It is like an invitation to rest and get comfortable.
Think of textures whenever you’re bringing items into your home (like rugs, pillows, blankets, bedding, etc.) and remember that this is a big part of adding that cozy feel into your home.
Don’t forget the smell!
Whether you’re a candle aficionado, essential oil lover, or are willing to try your hand at simmer potpourri – don’t neglect the role of your sense of smell in a cozy home. I’d love to have my kids come visit my house when they’re older, walk in and have it “smell like home”.
I hope this post gives you some good ideas of how to make some super cozy Christmas days and evenings in your home.
Please tag me on Instagram if you put any of these ideas into place – I’d love to see them!
While you’re here, you’ll want to check out these blog posts too. I think you’ll love them:
5 easy home improvement projects on a small budget (under $20!)
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