Sanity saving tips to help your family thrive during this extended time at home. We’re all in this together! Affiliate links are included – full disclosure here.
As you know, we’re in unprecedented times right now. We’ve been home with our three kids for a few weeks already, but are really planning on this being the case for months.
Since we’ve been focusing on having a peaceful home, this time is really testing those theories we have come up with!
Sanity saving tips for when you’re stuck at home:
Here’s our best tips for staying at home with your littler kids, and keeping everyone’s sanity at the same time. It’s NOT perfect but it can be a sweet time for your family!
I made a video where you can see these tips in action, but listed out sources and a few more details below. But watching the video will really help give you the ideas and see how we implement them:
Try new recipes:
We have been baking a lot of bread and other treats during this time! I’m not sure my waistline will be thanking me for this, but honestly, that’s not what I’m focusing on right now.
Getting the kids involved in the baking (and obviously the eating) has been really fun too!
Here’s the recipes we’ve been making:
- Banana chocolate chip muffins
- Simple homemade bread (no kneading or bread maker required)
- Banana bread
- Sheet pan pancakes (we used frozen berries for this recipe)
Ideas for keeping your family eating well through this time:
I honestly have never focused so much on food in my life! I’m learning how much I took for granted – like just the ability to run to the store for something we’re running low on. Also, readily available grocery deliveries and pick up!
We’re letting go of strict eating rules and just focusing on nourishing our bodies the best we can right now. I’m sharing our meal ideas on my food Instagram page if you’re looking for some new ideas!
Getting fresh produce delivered was HUGE for me…I almost teared up when my box arrived! Our local grocery stores have been overloaded with online orders and it’s hard to get a slot (the best chance you have is first thing in the morning though!). I bought groceries from these sources and it has been a huge help to know we have food on the way!!
- Misfits Market (not available everywhere)
- We got the “Madness” subscription and we LOVED the produce we got!
- Use the code “COOKWME-EG6UUU” for 25% off
- Thrive Market:
- Shipping times are delayed so don’t plan on having it immediately, BUT it gave me peace of mind knowing the food was coming.
- Use THIS LINK to get 25% off your first order!
Just add water:
“Just adding water” seems to be a real reset for any kid!
Here’s some ideas if you’re running out of them:
- Bathtime
- Kiddie pool if it’s warm
- Water table (move it inside if it’s too cold)
- Fill up a sensory table with water & give toys to play with
- Turn on a sprinkler outside
Embrace the down time:
So many kids have gone from being over-scheduled to suddenly having wiiiide open days with no end in sight.
While it’s nice to have some things to plan and look forward to, it is also a time to let them breathe a little bit. Let them use their imaginations, be bored, get creative, and just be kids.
Get something new that inspires their imagination:
We got the kids these crystals on Amazon – they come in a big pack, so you could give them to others if you’re feeling generous!
Tackle a smaller house project:
Ideally, use things you already have on hand so you can save money AND not go outside your house.
If you need supplies, check into companies that are offering curbside pickup and delivery services.
You can see the project we’re finishing on my Instagram – I’ve been documenting more of it there!
Schedule in the time you need:
My husband is working from home (and we’re SO grateful he is able to do so – I know that’s not the case for many people).
But he does his writing during the early morning hours (have you checked out his book yet?? People are loving it and I’m so proud!)
And I get a big chunk of my work hours in before the kids are awake. I also work as soon as my husband gets off of work for the day, and often after dinnertime too. At this time, it’s all about fitting it in when I can, and the work/life balance is a little out of whack. But it’s OK! Taking it all in stride.
Focus on what you can control:
Doing projects has REALLY helped me to get out of my own head and move away from anxious thoughts. I think its the fact that you are able to focus what you ARE in control of (a project) instead of what you aren’t (the medical situation going on in our world).
If you’re looking for a guided distraction that will help impact your house for good, then check out my course “Peace by Design : The Master Bedroom”. The introductory pricing is only available for a few more days!
Realize the difference between school and homeschool:
I got this advice from homeschooling moms and I thought it was really important to remember:
“Don’t expect this to be the same experience they’d get at school. Don’t try to replicate school at home. It won’t work. Focus on what you CAN do at home that they CAN’T do at school“.
Focus on the things your kids are interested in, and look for learning resources to help them to learn through their interests. Give them real life learning experiences (like working on a DIY project with you, baking, preparing food, etc.)
Focus on others:
If you’re able to stay at home during this time (like we are) then help your kids see how fortunate they are to be in this situation.
Get their minds thinking about how you can help other people – here are a few examples:
(side note: please be wise when doing this, and make sure things are handled in a sanitary way to keep everyone healthy and safe!)
- Write letters to people who are lonely
- Facetime with Grandparents or Great Grandparents
- Arrange to have a meal delivered to someone in need
- Buy gift cards from local small businesses who need the income
- Paint rocks with encouraging messages and leave them around town
- Drop off a meal or a gift card on someone’s doorstep who needs some encouragement
I hope all of these ideas are helpful to you and your family! Please let me know if you’d like to see more of these things next week – or any other things you’d like us to cover!
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